Losgaiche Cnàmha
Of a dark sorcerer’s creations, some take more strongly to the false life given them. The potency of their un-life is given equipment to match; archers, in particular, are often outfitted with a truly vile arsenal. Their quivers are filled with shafts made not of wood, but of the bones of their victims. It follows that they are dubbed simply ‘Bone-Shooters’ by their unfortunate enemies.
Aire sònraichte: ’S urrainn don aonad seo a ghluasad ann an uisge domhainn is chan fhaic duine e, gun fheum air adhar bhon uachdar.
Àrdaichidh e bho: | Boghadair Cnàimhnich |
Àrdaichidh e gu: | Bogha Millidh |
Cosgais: | 26 |
PB: | 40 |
Gluasad: | 5 |
PE: | 80 |
Level: | 2 |
Co-thaobhadh: | coimeasgach |
ID | Bone Shooter |
Comasan: | bàthadh |
Ionnsaighean (damage - count)
biodag dlùth | 6 - 2 lann | ||
bogha astar | 10 - 3 bioradh |
lann | 40% | bioradh | 60% | |||
bualadh | -20% | teine | -20% | |||
fuachd | 60% | dìomhair | -50% |
Cosgais ghluasaid | |||
Cruth-tìre | Dìon | ||
Badan balgain-bhuachair | 2 | 60% | |
Baile | 1 | 60% | |
Beanntan | 3 | 60% | |
Boglach | 2 | 30% | |
Caisteal | 1 | 60% | |
Cnuic | 2 | 50% | |
Coille | 2 | 50% | |
Do-choiseach | - | 0% | |
Gaineamh | 2 | 30% | |
Reòite | 2 | 30% | |
Riof cladaich | 2 | 30% | |
Rèidh | 1 | 40% | |
Tanalach | 2 | 20% | |
Uamh | 2 | 40% | |
Uisge domhain | 3 | 10% |